Up, up and away!

It is always amazing to meet passionate people. Couple of weekends ago, we met some who love hot air! Well, not just any kind of hot air, the one that helps you rise above every day humdrum! We were quite excited at the opportunity to photograph them as they prepared for take off. We tried to follow them after, but not obvious; we had to follow the roads and we encountered a few dead ends, ‘no exit’, while they kept sailing away! 140615_MG_4946 The excitement was both in being able to photograph up close, but also to actually be involved in the process! Hopefully next time, we’ll be taking photos from inside the basket. 140615_MG_1824  Je ne sais pas qu’est-ce qui était le plus enlevant. De voir la passion des gens, leur frénésie? D’être si près lors de la préparation? De constater l’ingéniosité humaine? Ou simplement d’avoir un nouveau sujet?  Pour moi, c’était tout cela. Merci pour cette belle opportunité. 140615_MG_5014

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